Programme SAP RPARPFIW - Archiving PF Posting Documents

Archiving PF Nodes

This report enables you to archive postings to pension fund accounts.

The report belongs to archiving object PA_PFUND.

The accounts to be archived must be locked before the archiving date.If you want to perform archiving, you require the enhanced maintenanceauthorization for PF accounts.



  • One or more pension fund(s) whose account must be archived.

  • Date up to which data is archived. The posting date is the comparison
  • value.
    • Value type attribute (default: blank = archive all postings).

    • Select value type attribute for archiving: only postings withthis value type attribute are archived.
      Exclude value type attribute from archiving: postings with thisvalue type attribute are not archived.
      Archiving should only be restricted by value type attribute inexceptional circumstances because deleting just some of the postingscan lead to inconsistencies if postings from archived periods are usedfor calculations.
      • The comment line is stored in the control record of the archive run.
      • Standard_variants

        • Do not create archive file: if you do not create an archive
        • file, a statistic is created that matches the statistic that would havebeen created if you had created an archive file. No entry is created inarchive administration and the deletion program is not called. You canuse this parameter to start a test run to determine what would bearchived.
          • Delete with test run variant: an archive file is created but the
          • deletion program is not called.
            • Delete with production run variant: an archive file is created
            • and the deletion program is called.

              The report outputs statistics on archived postings and/or postingsselected for archiving.