Programme SAP RPARLANR - Reaqd Wage Return Archives Sequentially

With the aid of this report, you can sequentially read the wage returndata from an archive file.

You can run the report after you have archived the wage return data withthe aid of report Archive Wage return 2006. Thisreport offers much less functionality than report Wagereturn: display data (Viewer). We therefore most strongly advise youonly to use this report after you have deleted the archived data.

You have created at least one archive file.

The following options are available:

  • Legal person

  • With this, you can determine if the display of data from the archiveobject is restricted on the basis of the legal person. For this, youmust have the necessary editing rights in authorization objectP_NL_LA06 (activity 'Edit' equal to '01').
    • In-period/In-period year

    • With this, you can determine if the display of the wage returns forwhich messages are created is restricted on the basis of the for-periodand the year. In this case, the selection is not made through thein-period (in other words, the period in which the related wage returnis sent).
      • Personnel number

      • With this, you can determine if the display is made by personnelnumber.

        The wage return data is displayed on the basis of the selected option.