Programme SAP RPAR3D00 - PA: Archiving; Deletion Program for Long Term Documents (PA_LDOC)

Report RPAR3D00 must be started from archive management (transactionSARA).
This report reads an archiving sessionfor the archiving object PA_LDOCand deletes all data stored on the database for this object. Thisarchive is written by report RPAR3W00.
The Test run parameter is set by archive management. In a testrun, you can test all archiving functions including deletion.
If you select Detailed log, the report outputs detailedinformation which can be helpful in remedying errors. Function groupPAR3 generates control data.
If you set the Write infotypes option, the program createsArchived Objects (0283) records when data is deleted.

A correct archiving run must have taken place.

The output list contains the number of objects deleted.
If you select the 'Detailed log' option, control data is generated infunction group PAR3. This function group contains the function modulesfor the archiving object.