Programme SAP RPAR2W00 - PA: Archiving - Write Program for Travel Expenses (PA_TRAVEL)

You must use the Archive Accounting Data transaction (PU22) inarchive management (transaction SARA) to start program RPAR2W00.This ensures that entries are made in archive management tables (suchas ADMI_VARIA).
Please read the relevant documentation (Extended help). You should onlyarchive data if you are sure it is no longer required because it istechnically very complex to access archived data at a later date.
This archiving program archives trip datastored in cluster TE of the import/export database PCL1. Thename of the archiving object isPA_TRAVEL.
The program only archives records which have been prepared forarchiving and are already flagged in cluster TT for the currentarchiving group.
When archiving has been completed, the deleteprogram (RPAR2D00) is run. This program only deletes the recordsthat were written by RPAR2W00.
A reload program is also available.
The names of the individual report programs and automatic starting ofthe delete program are controlled in archiving customizing(transactions AOBJ, ACLA). Do not change any entries here.
Data is not locked.
You can display archived data using the report programRPCLSTTE.

Possible entries
In the "Comment/note" field, you can enter a short text for the archiverun.
If you select the "Test run" option, thearchiving session is not stored on thedatabase, and is assigned the number "000000". The statistics show thata test run has taken place. A delete program is not started for a testrun.
If you select "Detailed log", the program outputs detailed information.Only use this option when searching for errors. The log is verydetailed and should not be generated in a live run.

An archiving group must have been created by theArchive Accounting Data transaction (PU22).

The program outputs statistics on the archived objects. The number ofobjects and the number of archived PCL1 entries, each 4KB in size, aredisplayed. The size of the archive file is calculated according to theformula: 4KB x number of PCL1 records / compression factor. Thecompression factor depends on the available data and is, therefore,different for each run.
If you select the 'Detailed log' option, control data is generated infunction group PAR2 (see above).