Title Converting Job Advertisement Costs to Euros Purpose Using this report, you can convert the publication costs for your jobadvertisements to Euros. The amount and currency key of the publication is automaticallyconverted to Euros in the database for the advert you selected. You can set this report up, for example if you have storedadvertisements with different currencies in your SAP system and want auniform picture of your advertisement costs. If you have stored different currencies for your advertisements in thesystem, we recommend that you convert all your advertisement costs toEuros before you run any statistical reports on your job advertisementcosts. We recommend that you set up the report only for advertisements withinthe European Monetary Union, as you can not undo the conversion. Prerequisites You must have edited the exchange rates for the currencies you use inthe tables Exchange Rates>> (TCURR) and ConversionFactors>> (TCURF). In these tables, you maintain the exchange ratesfor the exchange rate type M>>. Use the key EUR>> for the currency Euro>.Features Selection By entering selection criteria, you can restrict the amount ofadvertisements to be converted. In the Currency>> field, you can restrict theadvertisements which you want to convert to Euros.Output The list displays the advertisements, which have been converted and/oroutputs an error log if errors have occured. |