Programme SAP ROIUP_PDM_MOVE_DATA - PRA Data Management (PDM): Split Data

The purpose of this program is to move data in the PDM landscapeaccording to the customizing settings. The system reads all theretention months for each box and analyzes the current data in each box.Based on these results it decides where each month needs to reside andif it should reside in a box other than the one it's in, it performs amove of that month of data to that new box, and deletes the data fromthe current box to give the correct picture.

This program should NOT be submitted directly but rather should besubmitted only from the PDMAdministrators' Workbench.

Group ID:,,,,The execution group ID, which groups all tables togetherwhich should be moved together.
Job Name:,,The Background Job name
Job no.:,,,,The Background Job number

There is no output as such. All messages are written to the standard JobLog which can be viewed in either the Job Overviewtransaction or in the PDM Administrators'Workbench