Description This report is an emergency report which should only be used with adetailed knowledge about the TD bulk shipment database or aftercontacting the development support of IS-Oil TD in Walldorf. The user only needs to run the report if there is an indication ofdamaged TD bulk shipment data. It runs against selected bulk shipments and deletes/corrects the datain the shipment database. After running the report it can be necessaryto carry out additional transactions to achieve complete consistency inall SAP documents. The program can run with different options. The user has to choose onerun option on the selection screen. The option decides which data is tobe corrected. If shipments have been dedicated for correction and the program doesnot run in test mode, a popup forces the user to confirm the correctionprocess. Thus there is a chance to leave the process. If the programruns in TEST mode the update function is NOT started and no databasechanges take place. This enables the user to analyse the list and avoidunintended updates.1. Run option: Correct OIGSVMQ-MAT_ITM Wrong OIGSVMQ-MAT_ITM for schedule records (TD_ACTION=1) caused bydeletion of shipment item and new allocation of one having the samematerial. 2. Run option: Correct LIPS-LGMNG from OIGSVMQ Wrong quantity in store keeping UoM in LIPS caused by deliveries havingthe same material in different items (and availability on). The run is made only against completed shipments (status = 6). 3. Run option: Correct OIGSH from OIGSVMQ-HIS_ITM Missing shipment history records (OIGSH) are created according to thedata of the quantity item (OIGSVMQ). The run is made against all shipments. It is recommended to select onlycompleted shipments (status=6) or select the shipment numbers which areknown to be damaged. 4. Run option: Reset status for goods issue If posting of goods issue is recorded in VBUK-OIG_SSTSF without postinggoods issue for the delivery the TD bulk shipment is stuck. The currentoption can be used to reset VBUK-OIG_SSTSF which allows the to continuewith the shipping process. The run is made against all shipments. Shipments which are alreadyconfirmed cannot be corrected automatically. Then goods issue needs tobe posted via VL02. It is recommended to select only loaded shipments (status=4 and 5) orselect the shipment numbers which are known as damaged. 5. Run option: Correct shipment stock OIGSM/MV-LABST,-GLQTY The system calculates the intransit stock and gains/losses from thequantity items (OIGSVMQ). In case of differences it lists the currentand the calculated figures for stock in decimal and for gains/losses infloating point format (as stored in the database). In non-test mode thesystem updates OIGSM and OIGSMV accordingly. The package size can beused to improve performance in case of a big workload or running inbatch (increase the number of shipments in one package). The system lists shipments which have open postings to be checked bythe user. Open posting could be: Data saved but not confirmed; Deliveryon several vehicles in different status; Recovery function missing forDelivery; ... It does not mean that the shipment data is inconsistent.The user just needs to confirm the missing postings to enable the checkreport to calculate correctly. Precondition Detailed problem analysis and contact development support. Output The system lists all shipments with inconsistent data. Depending on therun option additional data is displayed. At the bottom the system indicates whether the run was in test mode. Ifupdates have been made, the user, date and time are listed. In thiscase it is highly recommended to have a printout of the run. |