Programme SAP ROIGFQS0 - TD Check shipment costing relevant tables

The program checks and (optionally) corrects shipment cost-relevanttables of TD shipments, for:

  • Consistency of entries in table OIGFIIQS (assignment of doc. item
  • quantities to stages). Inconsistent entries may result in incorrectshipment costs.

    Inconsistent TD shipments can be corrected depending on the status ofshipment cost processing:

    • Shipments with inconsistent entries in table OIGFIIQS without
    • subsequent shipment cost document can to be corrected automatically orby recreation of the document item quantity assignments (transactionO4L1).
      • Shipments with inconsistent entries in table OIGFIIQS with(!)
      • subsequent shipment cost document have to be repaired by deletion ofthe shipment cost document (and subsequent documents!) and bysubsequent automatic corection or recreation of the document itemquantity assignments (transaction O4L1).