Programme SAP ROIBSCAN_CHECK - Analysis of consistency between core and IS-OIL stock tables


This report checks the consistency of the stock fields for additionalunits of measure.

This report is part of the correction and consistency check sequencefor the additional stock keeping units of measure. Read note 212707 fora detailed description of all report features and the SAP recommendedworkflow.


With the radio button you can choose to either:
- run a new analysis for the material plant combination you enter andrefresh and update log table OIB08 with the new results for furtherprocessing
- run a new analysis for the material plant combination you enter andkeep previous results in table OIB08 and add the new results forfurther processing
- simply refresh log table OIB08 and stop processing
- print out a list of the content of table OIB08


212707Reports to analyze and correct stock qties in IS-Oil systems