Programme SAP ROIACM10 - List/Selection Quantity Schedules Header

DEFINE &QS& = 'quantity schedule'

Report with ALV ABAP/4 list viewer functionality.
Report to list header data of existing quantity schedules for contractsand call-offs in SD and MM. It is possible to list scheduling lines ofa quantity schedule header or to display a &QS& directly.

In the 'Selection' area, select wether the quantity schedules forpurchasing, sales or both ('List all') are to be displayed.
Enter additional selection criteria to limit the number of quantityschedules chosen.
In the area 'Options/settings', you can impose additional settings.

  • You can choose a selection depending from called-off and scheduled
  • quantity.
    • Different options are given for scheduled or intended quantity.

    • You can choose if exchange related documents are to be included or not.

    • You can choose where you can branch to from the report output.

    • You can select quantity schedules which have deletion indicators set.

    • Please use the F1 help to get a detailed description of the options andsettings.


      • SD/MM header data for the &QS& selected
      • Reference
        Report "Purch entitlement..."