Programme SAP RNVPPR01 - IS-H: Evaluation Acc. to NursAcuity Class. incl. Data Medium Exchange

Report RNVPPR01 enables the evaluation of the data entered within thenursing acuity classification and supports government-mandated datamedium exchange (Germany).
The evaluation of nursing acuity data is carried out in relation to anorganizational unit over an analysis and comparison period for aninstitution. 2 different evaluation variants are available, where thepatient count to be evaluated can be limited for each variant viaspecification of age-groups (adults, adolescents, toddlers,newborns/infants). The evaluation variants differ as follows:

  • Evaluation of the nursing acuity data for all patients which had an
  • inpatient movement during the analysis period. Only the nursing acuityentered in the analysis period is taken into account. This evaluationvariant cannot be used for the data medium exchange procedure.
    • Case-related evaluation of the nursing acuity data for all cases case
    • are taken into account, including those which are outside of theanalysis period. This evaluation variant is the necessary variant forthe data medium exchange procedure.
      Evaluation data can be displayed either quantitatively, as a percentageor in minutes for:
      • All patients of an organizational unit

      • All full care patients of an organizational unit

      • All day care patients of an organizational unit.

      • The following facts are automatically taken into account or determinedduring the evaluations and the data medium exchange:
        • Intensive care stays of a patient

        • Absences of a patient

        • Newborn (healthy/sick)

        • Companions

        • Stays on organizational units which are excluded from the nursing acuity
        • classification
          • Calculation of the FT value (Full-Time Nurses)

          • During the evaluation, an error log is written in which the followingfacts are logged:
            • Period, for which no patient groups exist for a patient.

            • Missing department main diagnoses for a patient.

            • Missing assignment of a departmental and/or nursing organizational unit
            • during a patient movement.
              The log can be displayed at any time from the evaluations.
              The data medium exchange procedure generates a sequential file for theanalysis period with the relevant nursing acuity data.
              For the data medium exchange, all patients who were discharged in theanalysis period are taken into account. Nursing acuity data is basicallysupplied on the data carrier for the entire duration of the patient'shospital stay. Patient data which is displayed incorrectly is alsosupplied for the data carrier. Therefore, care should be taken thattheerrors in the logs are corrected before creating the data carrier.
              If the correction procedure is active for the data medium exchangeprocedure, only the cases which are defined in the table NPPR are takeninto account for data medium exchange. The analysis period results fromthe respective duration of stay of the defined cases. The fictitiousperiod from 01/01/1900 to 12/31/9999 is displayed as the evaluationperiod.

              It is necessary to enter the institution and the analysis period.
              If you only want to output the evaluations for certain nurse stations,you can select this via selection entries of departmental or nursingorganizational units. Inter-departmental nurse stations are also takeninto account when selecting via departmental organizational units.
              If no restriction of the departmental and nursing organizational unit ismade, the evaluations are generated for all nurse stations of theinstitution.
              The following preconditions are assumed during the evaluation and thedatat medium exchange procedure:

              • Patient groups must be defined and the assignment to a treatment group
              • must be maintained.
                • The following institution-related parameters must be maintained:

                • PPR_AZJ Annual working hours of a nurse
                  PPR_DBEG Start of regular shift for nursing acuity classification
                  PPR_DEND End of regular shift for nursing acuity classification
                  PPR PPR_FALW Case weight (in minutes)
                  PPR_GRDW Basic value (in minutes)
                  PPR_NGBW Nursing care minutes for each day for newborn
                  PPR_NWP Number of night shift staff members
                  PPR_ZEIT Entry time for nursing acuity classification
                  • Maintain master data of the organizational units with regard to nursing
                  • acuity classification:
                    Setting the pediatric indicator for pediatric nurse stations
                    Setting the indicator 'PPR exclusion' for organizational units hich(psychiatric nurse stations) which should be excluded from the nursingacuity classification
                    Maintaining the specialty according to the nursing acuity classification
                    • Maintaining the age-groups acc. to the nursing acuity classification
                    • Output
                      After using the selection screen, the evaluation first appears for allcases of the predefined organizational units in the quantitativedisplay. The evaluated data can be displayed differently via thefunctions 'Percentage display' and 'Minute display'.
                      Further evaluation variants, the evaluation of all full care cases orall day care cases can be listed via the menu 'Goto'.
                      The columns in the individual evaluations can be read as follows:

                      • A1/S1 - A3/S3: Number of days with 'Patient group' for the number of
                      • cases listed in the column 'Cases'.
                        • 'Inten.': Number of 'Intensive care stay' days for the number of cases
                        • listed in the column 'Cases'.
                          • 'Absenc': Number of 'Absent' days for the number of cases listed in the
                          • column 'Cases'.
                            • 'H.newb': Number of 'Healthy newborn' days for the number of cases
                            • listed in the column 'Cases'.
                              • 'wo.nActy': Number of days 'Without nursing acuity classification' for
                              • the number of cases listed into columns 'Cases'.
                                • 'Adm.': Number of hospital admissions for the number of cases listed in
                                • the column 'Cases'.
                                  • 'Cases': Number of cases to which the previous column values refer.

                                  • 'FT': Number of full-time nurses according to nursing staff regulation;
                                  • the calculation formula does not take night shift staff members intoaccount.
                                    The error log, which was written when creating the evaluation, isdisplayed via the function 'Display log'.
                                    A sequential file for the data medium exchange can be created for theevaluation period via the function 'File transfer'.