Title IS-H: Check on Service Collapsibility Purpose This report lets you analyze immediate services that can be billed for. It determines whether a service occurs with identical attributes in thesame time interval. The result serves as an indication that the numberof immediate servicescan be reduced by combining (collapsing)individual services (and modifying the number of services accordingly). The report checks whether the value of the following attributes isidentical for a number of services:
- LEIST Services featuring in a service catalog
- ORGID Organizational unit (in the case of OU-related svce entry only)
- ANFOE Departmental organizational unit requesting the service
- TARAS Multiplication factor
- TARIF Service catalog identification key
- TARLS Service featuring in a service catalog
- TARSP Service catalog column
- ABTYP Billing category for individual billing control
- EXCAT Classification for external communication
- REFKY Reference code for service from external system
- PREIS Individual price for service differing from service master
The service date plays a special role in this check: Depending on whether you want to check whether services can becollapsed on a monthly or on a daily basis, the program verifieswhether the service date occurs on the same day or in the same month. The result of this report serves purely as an indication as to whetherservices can be combined (collapsed) in your healthcare facility. You also need to check whether other service attributes are relevantfor price and account determination. When collapsing services on amonthly basis, you need to make sure that Customizing settings forprice and account determination are not modified within the month inquestion. You also need to check whether modifications are required concerninginvoice printout (for example, if detailed information on services isentered and output on the invoice). The report only analyzes cases for which the number of services exceedsthe minimum number of services specification on the selection screen. Since the conditions that determine whether services can be collapsedmay differ greatly from customer to customer, SAP does not provideautomatic support in this respect.Features Output The report counts and outputs the total number of billable immediateservices for each case. It outputs the number of services this totalwould give rise to if collapsed, and outputs the number of differentservices entered for the case. When you execute the report with the Detailed Output> optionselected, the output indicates how the services could be collapsed.