Title Maintain Assignments of Patients to Business Partners Purpose This report lets you display existing assignments of patients tobusiness partners (table NPGZ), and create new assignments. A business partner can be, for example, an external physician. You canassigned patients to himor her. This makes it possible to restrict thepatient search to those patients assigned to him or her ("his/herpatients"). Selection On the selection screen, you first select the action you want thereport to perform:
- Display
- Lock
- Create
- Initial Fill
Display By selecting Display>, you visualize existing assignments. To dothis, specify patients, business partners or a combination of both forwhom you want to visualize the assignments. The system displays active and locked assignments. If you only want to visualize assignments that occur in a particulartime frame, specify an Evaluation Period>. The system displays the assignments in the SAP List Viewer thatprovides you with numerous options for the subsequent processing oflists.Lock By selecting Lock>, you lock existing assignments. Locked assignments are simply flagged as such, and are not deleted fromthe system. Once locked, assignments cannot be re-activated. To be ableto use a locked assignment again, you have to create this assignmentonce more. You can lock assignments for combinations of patients and businesspartners. If you also specify an Evaluation Period> for thelocking operation, the system locks all assignments whose start or enddate occurs in this time frame. After executing, the report displays a log of the locked assignments. If you run the report in Test mode>, the system does not savechangesCreate By selecting Create>, you create new assignments. Here again youhave to specify a combination of patients and business partners. In theValidity Period> field, you have to specify the period for whichthe assignment is to be valid. If an existing assignment occurs in theperiod you select, it will be locked. The system does not analyze theEvaluation Period> field when creating assignments. Afterexecuting, the report displays a log of the created assignments. If yourun the report in test mode>, the system does not save theassignments created.Initial Fill By selecting Initial fill>, you have the report generateassignments from the data stored in the SAP System. This isparticularly advantageous before the inaugural use of programs thataccess the patient-to-physician assignment. You can only execute the initial fill function for physicians. The system accesses the case-to-person assignment (NFPZ) to create theassignment data. This generates assignments for all physicians who havereferred patients. You must specify a physician on the selection screen. The specification of a patient is optional. If you specify an Evaluation Period>, the system only createsassignments for patients who have movements (e.g. admission) in thistime frame. If you specify a Validity period>, the created assignments arevalid for this period. If you don't specify a validity period, thesystem creates it from the movement data of the patient in question:
- The earliest movement date specifies the start of the assignment
- The latest movement date specifies the end of the assignment.
If the movement date is in the future, the system uses the current datefor the end of the assignment. After executing, the report displays a log of the created assignments. If you run the report in test mode>, the created assignments arenot saved in the system.