The XPRA RNUX_472_NVVPNVVF is provided to migrate the content of the oldtables to the new tables when you upgrade to SAP Patient Management4.72. Since very large database tables can give rise to a long XPRA runtime,you can run the RNU_NVVPNVVF_SWITCH utility prior to the releaseupgrade. The utility copies the content of the table NVVP into the table NPIR andthe content of the table NVVF into the table NCIR. To enable you to dothis, SAP also delivers the database tables NPIR and NCIR for SAPPatient Management 4.63B, Add-On Support Package 18 and SAP PatientManagement 4.71, Add-On Support Package 10. We recommend that you execute the utility in the background. The contentof the tables NVVF and NVVP remains unaffected by running this utility. If you have run the RNU_NVVPNVVF_SWITCH utility before upgrading to SAPPatient Management 4.72, when you upgrade your system the XPRARNUX_472_NVVPNVVF only migrates the data records that you have createdor changed since the utility ran. The RNU_NVVPNVVF_SWITCH utility also enables you to copy the content ofappend structures you may have appended to the existing database NVVPand NVVF into the new tables as well. To do this, add your appendstructures to the new tables NPIR and NCIR before running the program. If you initially run the utility in test mode, it does not make anydatabase changes, but simply indicates potential problems and the numberof data records to be migrated. You can run this utility any number of times. |