Programme SAP RNU_NKSK_NKSP_ADJUST - IS-H: Set IV Status

Synchronize Status Fields NKSK-BSTAT with NKSP-PSTAT

The report IS-H: Set IV Status selects all insuranceverification documents that satisfy the selection criteria. The reportchecks the items for each of these documents.
If all of the items have the status confirmed, rejected,or canceled, the field NKSK-BSTAT must contain the value "1". Ifthere are still items with the status requested, the fieldNKSK-BSTAT must contain the value " ".
The report modifies accordingly all NKSK entries that do not satisfythese conditions.
Related/secondary reports:
RNUENDAB IS-H: Final Billed Cases with IV Documents with StatusRequested
RNUNKSKK IS-H: Delete All IV Headers Without Items and VBRK Data
RNUNKSPK IS-H: Correct All Confirmed IV Requests Without Percentageand Price


First run the report in test mode, and check the change log. For eachdocument containing errors, the system outputs a value for the newstatus and a value for the old status. The Action field containsa text describing the action to be performed.