Programme SAP RNU_NKDI_TYPE - IS-H: 4.63A Delete Reference Diagnosis from Current Diagnosis Catalog

Delete Specification of Reference Diagnosis and Reference Catalog fromCurrent Diagnosis Coding Catalog

This report has not been released for production operation and shouldonly be executed after consulting SAP.
The report determines from the current diagnosis coding catalog all ofthe diagnoses for which there is no specification (space) in thediagnosis category field. If a reference diagnosis exists for thesediagnoses, the report then checks if the reference diagnosis belongs tothe diagnosis category "!", "+" or "*". If this is the case, the reportdeletes the specification of the reference diagnosis and of thereference catalog from the current diagnosis coding catalog. Thereference diagnosis is not modified.
The specification is only deleted if you execute the report in livemode (and not in test mode).

Note that the specification of a reference diagnosis and of a referencecatalog for patients whose case exceeds a key date is required ifstatistics are to provide correct values.
If you delete the specification of the reference diagnosis/referencecatalog from the current catalog, you should first check that there areno active (non-closed, not final billed) patients whose case exceeds akey date in the system, or that no such patients remain in the systemafter this change.
