Programme SAP RNUZUZ_DEDUCT_FI_CHANGE - IS-H: Change FI Documents for Deducted Copayments

Change Copayment Documents After Invoice Deduction

This report performs the document changes that are usually made forcopayment documents when copayments are deducted from the invoice (forexample, enter the SD document number in the reference of the copaymentdocument when the collection procedure is used).
This report should not normally be used in production operation.
It can be used exceptionally if, for example, copayments are deductedfrom a large quantity of invoices during a mass print run, but owing toan error in FI (field cannot be modified, for example) they cannot bededucted.


Specify the numbers of the SD documents that when printed did not giverise to successful document changes.

449479IS-H DE: Belegänderung bei Zuzahlungen m. Re.absetzung
449847IS-H DE: Belegänderung bei Zuzahlungen m. Re.absetzung