Purpose The report is intended to delete all entries for the number rangeobjects ISH_NFAL> and ISH_NORG> in the table NRIV>(number range intervals). The problem is that both number range objects belong to the core (forhistorical reasons), but have properties that do not correspond to theoriginal properties of the number range objects in IS-H: In the core,both have the data element subobject EINRI>; in IS-H, they do nothave a data element subobject. Consequently, when you upgrade a systemwith Release < ERP2005 without IS-H, the error message"2EENR347ISubobject can only be deleted if no intervals exist"> isissued.Prerequisites The report should only be run in customer systems in which IS-H is notdeployed. Out assumption is that the incorrect definition of the numberrange objects only occurs in customer systems in which IS-H is notrunning. It is therefore not a problem to delete the intervals, sincethey are not used. If the intervals of the two number range objects aredeleted, the number range objects can be changed by upgrading. Customers who have deployed IS-H already have the correct definition ofthe number range objects from an earlier IS-H upgrade. The error messagedescribed above thus does not appear. Such customers should of coursenot delete the intervals, since they are used productively. The report must be run prior to the upgrade. If this is not the case,all customers who have deployed IS-H get the error message describedabove. They can, however, ignore it. The report then runs after theupgrade and creates the conditions whereby the error message relating tothe number range objects ISH_NFAL> and ISH_NORG> is nolonger issued during the next upgrade.Selection All NRIV records for the number range objects ISH_NFAL> andISH_NORG> are read.Output The report outputs the total number of NRIV records deleted. |