Programme SAP RNUXNPEF - IS-H: Build Specialty-to-Person Assignment Table (NPEF)

With IS-H Release 4.01 it is possible to assign several specialties toan employee/physician. The specialty category 5 is used for thispurpose. This means that all of the specialties of theemployee/physician entered in the table NPER in earlier IS-HReleases must be written to a new assignment table (NPEF).
The RNUXNPEF program reads all employees/physicians for whom aspecialty is entered, writes this specialty in the NPEFassignment table with the specialty category 5, and deletes theentry in the person master data (table NPER, fieldFACHR).
You can check or maintain the assignment using the transactions formaintaining physician/employee master data (NG04 orNG05).

The program outputs the number of specialty assignments transferred.

If the program terminates, it is possible to run it again withoutadverse effect.