Programme SAP RNUXN14H - IS-H: Initialize Movement Category in TN14H and TN14Y

This program initializes the field Movement category in thetables TN14H and TN14Y (referral types and texts). This field has beenadded for IS-H Release 4.02 since the values should also be used forthe post-discharge types of discharge.
The existing values are each created with the movement category1 for (inpatient) referral type and the movement category4 for (outpatient) referral type, such that the number ofentries in the tables is doubled after you execute the program.
You have to enter the values for the post-treatment type manually.

The program outputs the number of entries modified in and the number ofentries appended to the tables TN14H and TN14Y.

If the program terminates abnormally, you must not run it again. Youhave to enter the values manually under PatientManagement -> Movements -> Maintain referral types/post-treatmenttypes in the IS-H Implementation Guide.