Programme SAP RNUVVPS2 - IS-H: Check Report for Cncld Cases with IRs and Requests

This report enables you to find canceled cases that contain errors.
A case is considered to contain errors if it still contains activeobjects (that is, objects that have not been cancelled). The reportchecks the following:

  • Case-related insurance relationships

  • Insurance verification headers

  • Insurance verification items

  • Services

  • You can start the report for all canceled cases, or for individualcases.
    The Test mode option determines whether or not the cases that areidentified as containing errors are corrected.
    If the Test mode option is selected, no changes are written to thedatabase. However, a log showing you the changes that would be made isgenerated.
    If you want to start the report in Production mode, you must dothis in the background.
    If you want to run the report for all cases, you should expect a longerruntime.