Programme SAP RNUVVDEBI - IS-H: Update Self-Payer Insurance Relationships for BAPI

IS-H: Update of Self-Payer Insurance Relationships for BAPIPatient.Change - Change Patient

This program adjusts the relevant customers in FI for patient masterrecords with self-payer insurance relationships that were changed withBAPI Patient.Change - Change Patient (BAPI_PATIENT_CHANGE).



  • Patient number

  • Repeat update for errored records

  • If a customer for a self-payer insurance relationship is notsuccessfully modified, the record for the institution and patientnumber in question is flagged as errored in the database tableNPATVVDEBI. If you corrected the error preventing the customerfrom being modified, you can repeat the update operation for theerrored records by flagging the option Repeat update for erroredrecords on the program selection screen.