Programme SAP RNUPATCMP - IS-H: Find Similar Patients

This program uses the specified comparison criteria to search the IS-Hdatabase for patient records similar to patient master records thatwere created or changed within the given evaluation period.
A patient for whom similar patients are found for the evaluation periodis known as the "reference patient" in the following documentation.
Please read the F1 documentation on the fields under the group headerComparison criteria.
You can specify whether similar patients are to be shown in the list.Please also read the F1 documentation on the fieldShow similar patients.


  • You do not have to make an entry in the Institution field.

  • In such cases, the program outputs the key of the institution adjacentto the patient number in the resulting list.
    You cannot, however, merge patients from different institutions.
    • You must specify an evaluation period.

    • The start and end dates must not be in the future. If you do not enteran end date, the system transfers the start date into this field.
      • You must select at least one comparison criterion.

      • With regard to this, please read the F1 documentation on the fieldsunder the group header Comparison criteria

        The generated list contains the following information on the referencepatient and the similar patient master records found:

        • Date/time when patient master record entered or changed

        • Patient number (with check digit if appropriate)

        • Institution (if you did not specify an institution on selection screen)

        • Patient name

        • Patient birth name

        • Patient date of birth

        • Patient sex

        • Addess of patient master record

        • If you did not select Show similar patients or from theresulting list chose List -> Hide similar patients, thefollowing functions are available to you:
          • Show similar patients

          • If you choose this function, the system reconstructs the list.
            • If you chooe Refresh, the system reads the latest data for the
            • list from the database.
              • If you inadvertently selected several patients, you can cancel all
              • selections by choosing Deselect all.
                • List of merges for selected patients

                • If you select a line and choose Goto -> Merges for patient, thesystem lists all merge operations involving the selected patient.
                  • List of merges in the institution

                  • You can display all patient merges in an institution that were carriedout within a soecified evaluation period by selecting a line andchoosing Goto -> Merges in institution.
                    For more information on this topic, see thedocumentation on the program RNLJOIN0.
                    The checkbox you merk to select a similar patient is not deselectedwhen you return to the list, thus allowing you to proceed with themerge operation.
                    • If you choose Goto - Patient information, the system sends a
                    • dialog box containing information on the patient currently selected.
                      You can also call this function by double-clicking the patient recorddisplayed.
                      If you selected Show similar patients on the selection screen orfrom the resulting list choose List -> Show similar patients,the following functions are available to you in addition to the abovefunctions:
                      • Branch into Patient merge

                      • Several patient merge options are available to you:
                        If you carry out patient merge in the preset order, the similar patientmaster record is transferred to the master record of the referencepatient.
                        If you carry out patient merge in inverse order, the reference patientis transferred to the master record of the similar patient.
                        The selection indicator is deleted when you return to the list.
                        When you refresh the screen, the records successfully mergeddisappear from the list.
                        • Patient information enhanced thru comparison

                        • When you run the program with the Show similar patients optionselected, the Patient info function enables you to compare thepatient master data of two patients.
                          To do this, mark the checkboxes for a patient master record on the listand choose Goto -> Patient information.
                          The selected checkboxes are not deseleted when you return to the list,thus enabling you to proceed to merge both records.