Programme SAP RNUNLKZ4 - IS-H: Check If Service Assigned to Certificate and IV Request

The report determines all entries containing errors in the service-to-
insurance verification request / certificate assignment table (tableNLKZ) for all cases of an institution or for the case(s) specified.
If a case has service assignments to insurance verification requestsand also to certificates, this case appears in the log as containingerrors.
When executed in test mode the report does not make changes in thedatabase. In live mode, you should note that the report deletes allassignments of certificates to services of a case without issuing aconfirmation prompt as soon as at least one assignment of a service toan insurance verification request exists.
Always initially execute this report in test mode, and check theresult. Then test the report for a selected number of cases in livemode, and check this result.