Programme SAP RNUNBEWD - IS-H: Delete Canceled Movements

This program reorganizes the table containing case-related movements byphysically deleting cancelled movements in the database. Movementscontain organizational data pertaining to relevant events in a case.Movements are created by the transactions in the area of PatientManagement.
If you created a movement of a case incorrectly, you can cancel thismovement. Cancelled movements continue to be managed in relation to thecase in the IS-H System. A large number of cancelled movements canseriously impair system performance. For this reason, it makes sense tophysically delete cancelled movements in the database. This programenables you to delete cancelled movements which satisfy the followingconditions:

  • The cancelled movements have no dependent cancelled movements. For
  • instance, if a cancelled service is assigned to a cancelled outpatientvisit, you cannot delete the cancelled outpatient visit.
    • The cancelled movement is not the last movement of the case.

    • You can restrict the movements in relation to the following criteria onthe program selection screen:
      • Institution

      • Patient

      • Case

      • Start date of the movement

      • Nursing organizational unit

      • Departmental organizational unit

      • Change documents (object NFAL) are created for the deleted movements.
        If you select Test mode, the movements to be deleted are merelydisplayed. They are not physically deleted in the database.
        If insufficient memory causes the program to terminate abnormally,further restrict the selection, and run the program again. Restartingthe deletion run is possible in this case.

        You require the N_U_PVS authorization to be able to execute thisprogram.
