Programme SAP RNUMSTOR0 - IS-H MM: Copy Closets

This program enables you to copy closets with their storage locations(shelves and bins) from one organizational unit (OU) to another. Thesystem always copies the closet complete with all its storage locations.

You may only run this program if an internal number range is defined forthe ISH_NMSTOR object (Maintain Number Ranges
Check that the target OU does not already contain a closet with thecloset number you want to copy. The program only copies the closet if acloset with the same number does not exist in the target OU. It does notoverwrite existing closet data.
If a material is not permitted in the target OU, in other words, is notin a material catalog of the target OU, the storage location is stillcopied, but without material-relevant data (material number, orderquantity, unit of measure, among others).

Enter the source OU in the Copy from Org. Unit field and thetarget OU in the Copy to Org. Unit field.
You can restrict the closets the program is to copy by making an entryin the Closet Number field.
If you set the Test Mode indicator, the program only lists theclosets to be copied and checks if a closet with the same number alreadyexists for the target OU.

The program outputs a list of closets. You can see from this list whichclosets it has successfully copied.
If you select the Log indicator, the system outputs any errormessages for the closets it was unable to copy.
If you execute the program in the background, error messages are notoutput.