Programme SAP RNUMKAT2 - IS-H: Check Consistency of Material Catalogs

This report checks material catalogs and material proposals against theMM material master to see if they are consistent. The following factorsare checked:

  • Deletion flag: Materials with a deletion flag in the MM material master
  • are deleted from the material catalog and material proposals.
    • Archived materials: These materials are deleted from the catalogs.

    • Follow-up materials: If a follow-up material has been maintained for a
    • material in the MM material master, this follow-up material is added tothe material catalog.
      If the Adjust Material Proposals indicator is set, the materialin the material proposals is replaced by the follow-up material.
      • Units of measure: The report checks whether the unit of measure in the
      • material catalog has been defined in the MM material master. If a unitof measure has not been defined, the system outputs an error message.The entry is not changed, and has to be corrected manually (using thefunction Material Requisition - Define Catalogs).
        • Care unit storage facility/closet:

        • If a follow-up material is defined for a material in the MM materialmaster, it will replace the original material in all storage locations.
          If a material is deleted from the catalogs, it will also be deletedfrom all storage locations. The storage locations are retained.
          The system only checks the materials that are modified in or deletedfrom catalogs. You can also restrict the selection to particular careunit storage facilities (closets).
          If you select the Test mode option, no changes are written tothe database.


386101IS-H: RNUMKAT2 - follow-up material is not entered in propos