Programme SAP RNUMKAT0 - IS-H MM: Generate Material Catalog from MARC

Using the material master in Materials Management, this report createsmaterials catalogs for material requisitions in organizational units.The report reads materials from the material master (C segment), andoutputs a list of materials that are not yet included in the materialscatalog. You can select entries in this list. When you save the list,any entries that are selected are written to the materials catalog.
The catalog entries then have to be edited manually.
Please use the Maintain Materials catalog transaction to edit thecatalog - once the catalog is regenerated, it might be inconsistent!

You have to specify a materials catalog that has already been defined.
You can restrict the materials selected from the material master usingthe following parameters:

  • Plant

  • Material

  • Material group

  • Created on: Date on which material was created

  • Created by: User that created the material

  • Changed on: Date on which the last change to the material was made

  • Last changed by: Last user to change the material