Programme SAP RNUMINFO - IS-H MM: Info Report Materials for IS-H Material Requisition

This is a test report that is not released for general use. SAP does notprovide service and support for this report.

The report lists information that is of interest as concerns the IS-Hmaterial requisition. The following list types are possible:

  • Materials for one organizational unit (OU)

  • List of materials that an organizational unit can request by means ofthe material requisition (transaction NMM1).
    • IS-H material catalogs for OUs

    • The number of items (entries in the table NMKAP) is listed for eachcatalog.
      • Material list

      • Used to select materials from the SAP material master.
        • OUs that can request a special material

        • Organizational units the have a care unit storage location

        • Materials for which more than one unit of measure is defined in the
        • material master.