Description This report selects all services that have not been cancelled, andredetermines the requesting departmental organizational unit, therequesting nursing organizational unit, and the performingorganizational unit. These organizational units can only be redetermined of the requestingdepartmental organizational unit was not entered manually. If the requesting departmental OU was determined automatically, theperforming OU and the requesting nursing OU can only be overwritten ifthey were not entered manually. If the requesting departmental OU was entered manually, the requestingnursing OU will not be determined. This is a reason why nothing appearshere. The OUs are determined on the basis of the corresponding movement inthe service interval. If a movement cannot be assigned to a service (service interval), theorganizational unit of the service remains unchanged. Hinweis
- Since this report checks all services, it has a long runtime. For this
reason, you should never start the report online.
- Please run the report in test mode first for a limited number of cases.
Check the results list before you run the report in production mode.
- If you have any queries about the results, please contact the IS-H