Programme SAP RNUKTRKZ - IS-H: Adjust Controlling Flag in Service Master

With this utility program, you can carry out bulk changes to theservice master with regard to the indicators.

  • 'relevant to CO' and

  • 'insurance provider'.

  • In this case, you must explicitly specify which of the two indicatorsyou want to change when the program is started. You can also changeboth indicators at the same time.
    The program supports a test mode. Please use this mode to check whetherthe correct data is selected.
    The transferability of services already entered for a case is notchanged by the program.
    Insurance provider orders that already exist are not affected.
    You should, however, only run the program in the introductory phase orin the test mode in order to avoid logical inconsistencies.
    CAUTION: This program changes the selected services in the productionmode without aksing you for confirmation!

    In the test mode, a list of the affected services is output with thenew Controlling indicators. In the production mode, no list is outputdue to technical reasons; only the number of changed service records isoutput in this case.

    With this program you could set all service codes between '1' and'9999' inpatient to 'relevant to CO'.