Programme SAP RNUHCO01 - IS-H: Copy Utility for NLAZ Maintenance

You can use this report to create entries in the table Assign IS-HService to CO Activity Type (NLAZ).

Please note that not all of the plausibility checks that are active forthe corresponding Customizing function can be carried out with thisreport. For this reason, you should only use this report in the testand implementation phase and not in production operation.
The necessary settings in cost accounting should already be defined.These include the cost centers and activity types as well as theplanned cost center activity types.
Please refer to the Cost Accounting Implementation Guide and theCost Object Controlling Implementation Guide in the IS-HPatient Accounting configuration menu.
If possible, you should start the report first in test mode and makethe changes to the database in production mode once you have checkedthe entries created.
Please note that the report does not check any overlapping assignmentrules.

An entry is created in the table NLAZ for all of the services found, inaccordance with the selection criteria.
You can select the services to be processed from the in-house servicecatalog via the

  • service code

  • charge type

  • CO-relevant indicator

  • In the selection screen, you must enter at least the
    • institution,

    • in-house service catalog of the installation,

    • performing organizational unit ('*' also permitted),

    • departmental organizational unit ('*' also permitted),

    • assigned activity type,

    • quantity determination rules for case-related services (one of the
    • three fields Factor, Column oder FM)
      • quantity determination rules for organizational unit-specific services
      • (one of the three fields Factor, Column, or FM),
        • validity period of the assignment rules.

        • You can also define parameters to determine
          • whether only new records are to be created, i.e. if you do not want to
          • overwrite any existing records (Insert only)
            • whether only a list of the NLAZ entries is to be generated, without any
            • changes being made to the database (Test mode)
              • whether the individual NLAZ records are to be logged or simply the
              • number of changes (Extended log).

                You could use the report to assign all of the services from yourin-house service catalog in the range 3500 to 4770 (all laboratoryservices of the DKG-NT) for the organizational unit LABORATORY to theactivity type PKTE, for example.