Correction Report for Diagnoses that Have Disappeared

The error corrected by SAP Note 385026 means that your system containsdiagnoses that are not assigned to a movement. (NDIA-LFDBEW is'000000'). These diagnoses are not taken into account in diagnosisentry or evaluations.
This report creates assignments to movements for the diagnoses inquestion using the following criteria that are checked in the orderspecified:

  • (1) Diagnoses are assigned to the movement whose start time and end
  • time are identical to the diagnosis time and date.
    • (2) Cross diagnoses are assigned to the movement of the associated star
    • diagnoses (and vice versa).
      • (3) Admission/referral diagnoses are assigned to the admission for
      • inpatient cases and to the first visit for outpatient cases.
        • (4) Surgery diagnoses are assigned to the surgery. If there is only one
        • surgery, surgery diagnoses are assigned to this surgery. If there areseveral surgeries, the surgery diagnosis assignment NDICZ is evaluated.
          • (5) Discharge diagnoses are assigned to the discharging department.

          • (6) Assignment to (chronologically) parallel inpatient stay.

          • (7) Assignment to admission or first movement.
          • Features

            Selection criteria:

            • SE_EINRI - Institution

            • SE_FALNR - Cases

            • SE_TESTM - Test mode, no changes in database

            • FIRSTMVT - Non-assignable diagnoses are assigned to the admission or to
            • the first movement (7).
              • DELETE - Non-assignable diagnoses are deleted.

              • DISPLAY - Non-assignable diagnoses are only displayed. No assignments
              • are made.

                The report outputs the cases with the patient names.
                For each case, the diagnoses are listed with DKEY1 and user-definedtext, diagnosis date/time and the diagnosis indicators. These arefollowed by the movement to which the diagnosis is assigned and amessage indicating the assignment procedure.

                Recommendation: Please check all cases using the log output. If needsbe, the diagnoses can be re-assigned in transaction NP61.