Programme SAP RNUBFORM - IS-H: Determine Valuation Formula/Charge Type for All Services

This report selects all services, and determines the valuationformula and charge type for each service provided (table NLEI).
This report should be started in the background as soon as you upgradeto IS-H release 3.02. If you delay starting the report, this can leadto errors and even program terminations for other reporting programs.
You cannot start the report in a release later than 3.02 or 3.02/x.
Important: This report works in all clients.
Please start the report with the predefined selection mode. If you haveany problems with the program (e.g. the program terminates due toinsufficient memory area), then select the Alternativeselection mode option, and start the program again. You can only runthe program once in this mode for a specific dataset.