Programme SAP RNPRIAU0 - IS-H: Collective Print Admission/Discharge Notifications

This program lets you print admission or discharge notifications.
The following input parameters are available:

  • Evaluation Period: Here you specify the period in which the
  • admissions or discharges took place. This specification is mandatory.
    • Test Mode: In this mode, forms are not printed and log records
    • are not written. Only a test log is created. This parameter is optional.
      • Admission or Discharge Notification: Select one type of form.

      • Dept. OU: This specification is optional. Only the admissions or
      • discharges of the organizational unit specified are taken into account.
        • Case Number: By specifying the case numbers, you can restrict the
        • printing of forms to particular cases.
          • Insurance Provider Type: By specifying the insurance provider
          • type, you can restrict the printing of forms to particular insuranceprovider types.
            • Insurance Provider: By specifying the insurance provider, you can
            • restrict the printing of forms to particular insurance providers.
              • Med.Doc. Status Key, Med.Doc. Status Profile: By
              • specifying a status key and profile you can restrict form printout tocases with a particular medical documentation status. This enables you,for example, to make sure that a discharge notification is only printedfor a case for which the medical documentation is complete.
                You define status keys and profiles in the IMG activityDefine Status Profile.
                • Flagged Ins. Providers Only: If you select this option, the
                • admission and discharge notification indicators in the insuranceprovider master are evaluated. Notifications are only printed if theflags are set in the master data.
                  • Diagnosis Required: If you select this option, the system
                  • performs the following checks when printing:
                    Printout of admission notification
                    The system only prints an admission notification if an admissiondiagnosis that is relevant for statistical reporting exists.
                    Printout of discharge notification
                    In Customizing for IS-H, you can stipulate whether the system is tocheck whether the discharge diagnosis and/or the hospital main diagnosisexists when checking for diagnoses (for example, when billing). Thisinstitution-specific setting is made in the IS-H ImplementationGuide under Medical/Nursing Documentation -> SetParameters for Diagnosis Documentation. This check is also performedwhen a discharge notification is printed. The system only prints adischarge notification if the (required) diagnosis is relevant forstatistical reporting.
                    • The selection criteria Without Companions and Without Healthy
                    • Newborns are provided for the country version Austria (AT). If youset these indicators, the system ignores all cases admitted with thistype.
                      • Re-Print Already Printed: Forms are printed for all selected
                      • cases, even if a log entry already exists. If this option is notselected (default), notifications are only printed if a correspondinglog entry does not yet exist.
                        • Printer: Specify the printer on which the notifications are to be
                        • output.
                          • Print Immediately: If you don't want to print using the spool
                          • file, you can stipulate immediate printing by selecting this option.
                            Note that the Printer and Print Immediately parametersonly relate to form printing. If you run this program in the background,you also have to maintain the background parameters for the log output.
                            • Log Already Printed: If you select this option, existing entries
                            • in the print log are also output. Otherwise, only the cases, for which anotification is printed, are logged. If you select periods far back intime, this logging option could result in very long lists.
                              • Message Self-Payer: If you selected this option, the system also
                              • reports missing insurance relationships for cases that just have aself-payer insurance relationship. If you do not select this option, nomessage is output in the case of a self-payer insurance relationshipalone. If a case has no insurance relationships at all, the systemalways issues a message.
                                • Sort by: You can sort the selected entries according to the
                                • criteria specified. This sort order applies to the log and form print.
                                  Note on Log Display
                                  The program first checks whether the conditions governing printout aresatisfied before determining the relevant insurance providers. If theseconditions are not satisfied, the cases in question are outputimmediately. If you restricted the evaluation according to insuranceprovider/type, these cases are listed without the relevant insuranceprovider in the entries.

                                  The program uses form control and form logging.
                                  Prerequisites in form control:

                                  • The following event-work organizer type combinations must be maintained:

                                  • Admission notification - Event AANZ Work org. type AUFK
                                    Discharge notification - Event EANZ Work org. type ENKT
                                    • A relevant form (work organizer) must be assigned for the work organizer
                                    • type AUFK or ENKT.
                                      • The work organizer must be flagged as logging-relevant and the correct
                                      • logging type must be specified:
                                        Admission notification = 01
                                        Discharge notification = 02
                                        • The work organizer and work organizer type/event must be activated for
                                        • standard (default) print.
                                          • The user must be authorized to print the form.

                                          • The program takes form logging into account for the selection. The forms
                                          • are only printed if a logging entry does not yet exist.
                                            If you want to print a form despite the existence of a logging entry,you must first delete the entry using logging management or the RNUDELFOprogram, or select the Already printed option.