Programme SAP RNPKAV05 - IS-H: Transfer Medical Record By Borrowing List

This report facilitates the transfer of medical records. It displays themedical records that have been borrowed. You can transfer selectedmedical records to the next borrower in a single processing step bychoosing Edit -> Transfer Medical Record.
To do this, select the medical records, which you wish to transfer, inborrowing list, and then choose Edit -> Transfer Medical Record.Enter the next borrower in the Transfer Medical Record: BorrowingData dialog box. Upon completion of this process, the system updatesthe list of borrowed medical records.

The system only displays medical records with the status Borrowedin the borrowing list.
Depending on the borrower category entered, you can display the medicalrecords borrowed by an organizational unit or a person.

The system displays all of the borrowed records for each patient.
By entering a layout youcan call this list with a custom-tailored layout. The following informa
tion can be stored in a layout:

  • Columns included in list

  • Sort criteria

  • Filter conditions