Programme SAP RNNKOS12 - IS-H: Track Insurance Verification Status

The report enables you to analyze and process created insuranceverification items (IV items) according to various criteria.
For example, you can display all current IV requests that satisfy thefollowing criteria:

  • Printed but not yet sent

  • Diagnosis still to be maintained

  • Reminder sent

  • Reminder to be sent in accordance with the reminder deadline defined in
  • the insurance provider master record
    • Created in a specific period

    • You can print the resulting list (Print List in the Listmenu), or access further information by clicking on the fields CaseNumber, Insurance Provider and Document Number.
      On the selection screen, you can restrict the list of IV requests inrelation to the following criteria:
      • IV items for which the relevant insurance provider requires the
      • diagnosis to be maintained (Diagnosis Required indicator set ininsurance provider master record.
        • Non-printed or printed IV items

        • Non-sent or sent IV items

        • IV items for which reminders have been created or are to be created.

        • IV items for cases for which a diagnosis has not been maintained or has
        • been maintained.
          Choose (Case, Insurance Provider,IV Document)
          Save List (Insurance Verification menu)
          Sort (Edit menu)
          Set Send Date (Edit menu)
          Set Print Date (Edit menu)
          Search for String (Edit menu)
          Send Date... (Settings menu)
          Print Date... (Settings menu)

          Maintenance of Send Date and Print Date
          The functions Set Print Date and Set Print Date enable youto maintain the print date and the send date for selected IV items.
          To do this, proceed as follows:
          If you do not want to use the current date, specify the desired date inthe fields Send Date... and Print Date....
          Select the IV requests whose dates you want to change.
          Execute the function Set Send Date or Set Print Date.
          Save the data.

          Maintaining the Processing Agent
          The functions Set Agent and Determine Agent enable you tomaintain the processing agent for an IV item.
          With the function Set Agent, you maintain for all the selected IVrequests the processing agent whom you can preset under Settings-> Agent... (your user ID is the default setting.
          The function Determine Agent on the other hand analyzes theinitial letter intervals that you can define in the IMG activityAssign Patient Names to Agents ProcessingIV Requests.

          Whether an IV request is included in the list depends on the followingrequirements:

          • The selection criteria must be satisfied

          • The IV request must have the status Request

          • Non-canceled items with the status Request must exist for an IV
          • document.