Programme SAP RNNKOS10 - IS-H: Create IV Request Reminder

The report enables you to create reminders for outstanding insuranceverification requests (IV requests).
On the selection screen, you can restrict the insurance verificationitems to be checked.
The report has an interactive mode and a mode for background processing.
In interactive mode, you first obtain a list of the IV requests forwhich reminders are to be created. You can select and print remindersfrom this list.
If you want to print the reminders immediately without furtherprocessing, set the Print Immediate indicator.
By entering a printer, you can override the default settings in formcontrol or in the user profile.
Further functions:
Re-Sort List (Edit menu)
Print List (List menu)
Save List as Sequential File (List menu)
Maintain List Header (Edit menu)
Search for String (Edit menu)
Other Views (Goto menu)
Choose function:
Double-clicking or pressing F2 on the fields Case Number,Insurance Provider or Request Number takes you into thetransactions Display Admission, Display Insurance Provider
, or Display Insurance Verification.
Choose Form.../Standard Form mode:
The Settings menu enables you to stipulate whether all availableforms are displayed for the insurance verification reminder or whetherthe default form should be used for form selection.
Whether several reminder forms are defined in your system, or one formis specified as the standard form, depends on form control settings.
If necessary, ask your system administrator.
Test Mode/Live Mode:
In Test Mode, reminder data (reminder level and last reminderdate) is not updated. This mode is suitable for reprinting reminders,for example, if printer problems occurred.
In Live Mode the report updates the reminder data when thereminders are printed:

  • The reminder date is the key date entered on the selection screen.

  • The reminder level is increased by one.

  • Sort Procedure:
    You can specify a sort procedure on the selection screen. The reportdialog mode allows you to re-sort the list.
    If you do not explicitly enter a sort procedure, the report uses thefollowing default sort order:
    • If Print Immediately is set, the report sorts the results by
    • insurance provider description.
      • If you run the report in dialog mode, the it sorts the results by
      • institution and case number.

        Whether an IV request is included in the reminder list depends on thefollowing requirements:

        • The selection criteria must be fulfilled

        • The IV Reminder indicator must be set for the insurance provider

        • The reminder deadline must be exceeded: Send date of the request plus
        • grace period must be smaller than the key date; in the case of IVrequests for which reminders have already been sent, the date of thelast reminder plus grace period must be smaller than the key date.
          • For the request, there must be at least one non-canceled and not finally
          • rejected open item.
            • The case must not be canceled nor final billed.

            • Special Features for Country Version Germany
              For all cases of a readmission sequence except for the leading case, thesystem only takes into account IV items with assigned services to createreminders. This prevents the unnecessary creation of reminders for IVitems to which services are no longer assigned, since the merging ofcases has caused them to be reassigned to another case.

              In interactive mode, the report creates a list of IV requests for whichreminders are to be created. You can process this list.
              In Print Immediate mode, the report lists the printed reminders.
              The report does not update the reminder data in test mode. In live mode,it updates the reminder date and the reminder level. The report does notupdate the reminder level beyond 9, but continues to update the reminderdate.
              Technical notes on form control:
              When the event Print Insurance Verification Reminder occurs, thethe following data structures are supplied filled for the form:
              RNF01 (patient - name, address and date of birth)
              RNF02 (patient - employer data)
              RNF04 (patient - other data)
              RNF05 (case data)
              RNF06* (admission data - movements)
              RNF11 (insurance provider data - insurance)
              RNF12 (request for insurance verification - header data)
              RNF13* (request for insurance verification - items)
              RNF14 (recipient of IV request)
              RNF15 (admission diagnosis)
              RNF19 (forms text modules)
              The structures marked with * indicate repeating groups.
              Thus, exactly those listed structures are available for form layout.