Programme SAP RNLJOIN0 - IS-H: List Merged Patients

This program creates a list of merged patients.
In regular hospital operation, a patient may be entered several timesin the system. In this case, you can use the program RNJOIN00 tomerge both master records of the patient.
With the program RNLJOIN0 you can display the followinginformation on the merged patients:

  • An overview of which patients were merged within a given period.

  • The program outputs the active patient record for a patient record
  • deactivated by the merge operation and vice versa.

    You must specify the institution. You can specify a period, aparticular patient or both to restrict the evaluation. The evaluationperiod refers to the date of the merge.

    • Enter the patient number directly or find the required patient using
    • Possible entries.
      • If you restrict the evaluation to a given period, enter at least the
      • start date of the evaluation period.

        The program outputs:

        • The active patient (patient number)

        • The deactivated patient (patient number)

        • The name of the active patient

        • The name of the deactivated patient

        • The merge date

        • You can use the ABAP List Viewer options todetermine which columns should be displayed. The name is output inconcatenated form by default. However, you can also use the fieldsLast name and First name.