Programme SAP RNLAUS01 - IS-H: Patient Status Extract

This report enables you to generate a status extract for a patient.
This extract contains the most important patient-related andcase-related data in summarized form.
You can use the following parameters on the selection screen to restrictthe data output by the report:

  • Number of cases to be displayed

  • Scope of the patient-related and case-related data

  • The following are required entry fields on the selection screen:
    • Institution

    • Patient

    • At least one option in the Patient Data and Case Data
    • group boxes.

      To call this report you require the authorization N_LMPATA.

      The scope of the data contained in the extract depends on the selectioncriteria specified.
      The report displays the following data, at most:

      • Patient

      • Patient ID (name, address, birthdate, etc.)
        Occupation and employer data
        Next of kin data
        Risk factors
        • Case

        • General case data
          Movements, delivery and birth data
          Variable case data
          Case classification, case-to-case assignment, case-to-person assignment
          Medical case data
          Diagnoses, surgeries
          Case data relevant for billing, such as services, insurance coverage,case-related insurance relationships, invoice overview.
          When displaying archived cases for which the case-related insurancerelationships are still in the table NVVF, the report displays thecase-related and patient-related insurance relationships. This isnecessary, since the case-related insurance data from the table NVVFdoes not contain all of the relevant information (validity, type ofcoverage, for example). Since only the case-related insurancerelationships can be archived when a case is archived, thepatient-related insurance relationships might not have the same statusas when the case was archived.
          If you set the Display Messages indicator, the system alsodisplays messages to inform you of the areas where patient or case datahas not been maintained.

1028682IS-H CH: RNLAUS01 - Bestandsauszug um CH-Daten erweitern