Programme SAP RNKOS000 - IS-H: Ins. Providers w/o FI Customer or IS-H Customer

This report allows you to determine insurance providers that have notbeen defined as customers. If a headquarter-to-subsidiaryrelationship exists, this will be taken into account.
You can select up to 3 options:

  • Insurance providers without FI customer

  • The report selects all insurance providers for whom a customer role hasbeen defined in IS-H, but where a customer does not exist in FI.
    • Insurance provider without IS-H customer

    • The report selects all insurance providers for whom a customer role hasnot been defined in IS-H.
      • Insurance provider total

      • The report selects all insurance providers regardless of whether acustomer exists or not.
        This report does not read any FI data. In other words, if there are anyincorrect links to customers in FI, these cannot be identified. In thesame way, the report cannot identify customers that have been flaggedfor deletion. To obtain this information, you can use FI functions andcheck the customers there.

        If you start the report in interactive mode, you can use a range offunctions:

        • Scroll horizontally from column to column

        • By clicking on the appropriate pushbuttons, you can scroll horizontallyfrom column to column.
          • Sort function

          • The sort function allows you to sort the list by selecting a listheader as a sort criterion. In all cases, you can decide whether youwant to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
            • Display selection criteria

            • You can use the Display selections function to display or printout the selection criteria currently in use. If you run the report inthe background, the selection criteria are displayed above the listitself.
              • Change list layout

              • You can use the Display variant functions to choose thecharacteristics that you want to appear in the list. Select the fieldsthat you want to appear in the list, and deselect the fields that youdo not want to appear. Under Field group, you will find that thevarious characteristics are grouped according to various criteria:
                All fields
                Business partners
                Insurance providers
                You can also use the Display variant function to change thesequence in which fields appear in the list. To do this, cut a field,and paste it to the required position.
                • Filter

                • You can use the Set filter function to filter the list asrequired (if, for example, you only want to display insurance providerswho have specific characteristics). To undo (reset) the filter, chooseDelete filter.
                  • Basic list

                  • You use the Basic list function to undo all layout changes youhave made, and to display the list using the default layout.

                    The error message Hierarchy error might appear for certaininsurance providers.
                    This might be because:

                    • the hierarchy is too complex (that is, it has more than 5
                    • levels)
                      • the hierarchy contains errors (for example, if insurance
                      • providers define themselves as headquarters, or recursive relationshipsexist.