Programme SAP RNHCO_COLORD_COPY - HCO: Copy Collective Orders

This program allows you to copy existing Customizing for collectiveorders.
For information about the customizing of collective orders, see theIS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare -Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals -> Integration withControlling -> Collective Orders.

The program creates new internal orders for the collective orders to becopied in CO.

You have set up Cost Object Controlling and collective orders forSAP Patient Management.
For information, see the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAPHealthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals ->Integration with Controlling.
The program creates the internal orders in CO with the order type forcollective orders that you have defined in the Customizing for IS-H bychoosing SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
-> Integration with Controlling -> Maintain BasicSettings.
You need to have configured internal number assignment for this ordertype in CO. The system does not support external number assignment forthe automatic creation of internal orders.

Specify an institution and the Evaluation Period - Copy.
Different selection criteria are provided for selecting collectiveorders. For information about the selection criteria, see the F1 Helpfor the respective field.

The program outputs a list with the following data::

  • Number of the Source Order in the collective order definition

  • Number of the Target Order in the collective order definition

  • Start Date of the validity of the target order in the collective
  • order definition
    • End Date of the validity of the target order in the collective
    • order definition