Programme SAP RNHCO008 - IS-HCO: Classification of Case-Based Orders

This program allows you to prepare case-based orders for summarizationin CO. You can use one of the two following options:

  • Classification

  • With classification you can fill user-defined charactersistics of theclassification system in the internal orders with IS-H specificinformation.
    • Fill Customer-Spec. Fields

    • This option allows you to fill the fields that you added to the ordermaster in CO with IS-H specific information.
      You can also fill the user fields in the CO order master.
      You can use the selection criteria to restrict the cases selected. Whenyou run the program in test mode, it does not change any data.
      You can also run the program for case-based orders that have alreadybeen processed. In such cases, the program determines thecharacteristics again and overwrites the old values in the order masterwith the current values.
      If you want the list to include charactersistics with initial value, setthe relevant indicator in the Output group box on the programselection screen.

      For information about the charactersistics available to you and thenecessary settings, see the IS-H Implementation Guide underSAPHealthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals ->Integration with Controlling -> Characteristics.
      Note that the configuration for the HCO006 (Change Order) andHCO007 (Display Order) events must be maintained for thisprogram.

      The program returns a list of the processed orders with the relatedcase numbers and the determined characteristics with their values.
      When you run the program in production mode, it calculates thecharacteristics and classifies the order.

481555IS-H CH: Performanceverbesserung ISH_CH_CHARACTERISTIC_BILL
188231Orders cannot be classified