Description Delete Ready-to-Send Messages from Table NC02. Exceptionally dangerous as data is bound to be lost> You must never execute this program in production operation. SAPdeclines all liability for damage resulting from the misuse of thisprogram. Prior to running this program, deactivate the background processesrncbld00 and rncsnd01 to be on the safe side. This program differs from RNCUTl72 by offering you the possibility torestrict the messages to be deleted. If incorrect Customizing settingshave given rise to a number of messages that is so great that theycannot be deleted in a rollback segment of your database, you have tospecify a message number range for deletion, and select a block sizesuch that your database can process at least one message block in asingle operation. Since a commit is done after each message block, thedeletion processes are processed in small steps to enable the databaseto handle them. |