Programme SAP RNCGET00 - IS-HCM: Central Program Called For Message Delivery

This program only contains FORM routines for transferring data frompartner systems to IS-H, and acts as the IS-H contact for the SAPcommunication module. The partner program (caller) is the send_tabprogram. Communication must be initiated by the external partner.
The connection is established via the SAP communication module.
Inbound messsages are processed according to type in a separate FORMroutine.
Supported message types:

  • Diagnoses (FORM GET_DIAGS, transaction NP61, event NP6100);

  • Services (FORM GET_SERVS, transaction NL10, event NL10I0);

  • Surgical data (FORM GET_SURGS, transaction NP37, event NP3700).

  • The data is always updated straight away.

    RESET N1
    The SAP communication module must be installed correctly.
    In IS-HCM Customizing, you must specify the systems from which data maybe retrieved as well as the data that may be retrieved.
    The format must also be correct for the system in question.