Programme SAP RNCEDIRECREATE - IS-H EDI Recreate Outbound Messages

Recreate Outbound Messages

The program IS-H EDI Recreate Outbound Messages (RNCEDIRECREATE)lets you assemble existing outbound EDI messages according to differentselection criteria, and recreate all of the selected messages at once.


Specify an institution and an EDI procedure. The other selectioncriteria let you further restrict the selection.
The checkbox Recreate Unsent Only is selected by default. If youdeselect this checkbox, the selected EDI procedure determines whichmessages will be recreated.
With regard to the selection criteria, the respective EDI proceduredetermines if and how the fields "Case Number", "Patient Number" and"External Patient ID" are filled in message administration. The basicrule is as follows:

  • With case-related EDI procedures, only the case number will be filled
  • for sure.
    • With patient-related EDI procedures, only the patient number and,
    • depending on the country version, also the external patient ID will befilled for sure.

      The report stores orders to recreate the selected messages in thesystem. The report IS-H EDI Order Processing (
      RNC30100) then recreates the actual message based onthe orders. This report is usually scheduled as a background job thatruns automatically every 3 minutes. In relation to the EDI procedureand the message type, it is possible that the original message has beendeleted in the meantime or that although the original message stillexists, it gets deleted when a new message is created.
      Note that special EDI procedure rules and particularities prevent thesystem from recreating certain message types. This applies, forexample, to all error messages of the EDI procedure P301 (type FEHL andrejected messages of the type KOUB, ANFM, ZAHL, ZAAO, SAMU, etc.). Youcan check this using a direct "Recreate" test in theEDI Worklist (RNCEDIWORK2).