Programme SAP RNC301I2 - IS-H EDI: Inbound Messages, Manual Postprocessing

EDI Worklist
This worklist is used to postprocess the EDI messages imported by theRNC301I0 program (data import program).
Two types of message are of significance here:
Errored messages that could not be imported.
Messages that cannot be postprocessed automatically by IS-H and must bechecked by an administrator, for example, ZAHL, MBEG.
In addition to specifying the worklist displayed, you can also furtherrestrict the messages displayed using certain selection criteria.
Do not forget to save your work from time to time to limit the size ofthe internal change management tables and ensure optimum systemperformance.

To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the authorization group specified in the reportattributes.
The authorization N_EINR_REP is also required for the institutions inquestion and the report. If this authorization is not available forcertain institutions, the relevant data cannot be output or changed.

The program functions with two modes:
File mode
Message mode
File mode:
In this mode, the system displays the files for which an error occurredearly on during the import, thus preventing any messages from beingextracted from the file. The files and the corresponding messages aresimply displayed. No further processing is possible. Please correct thefile to be imported, and then repeat the import operation.
Message mode:
Only one message is displayed at a time.
Any errors that have occurred are also displayed.
The contents of the segments are also displayed field by field.
Functions of the work list:
You can jump between the individual messages with the arrow keys.
By positioning the cursor on the field content of the segmentsdisplayed and then executing the Replace function, you canchange the contents of a field.
You can change the status of the message.
Please note, however, that changing the status of a message can havefurther consequences. The following status values are possible:
Completed (ok, processing successfully completed)
If you choose this status, any existing error messages as well as theindividual segments for returning data (NC301W) and error confirmationsthat have not yet been sent are deleted. Following this, the messagecan only be displayed with RNC301U2 (and no longer with RNC301I2).
External error
You can only choose this status if at least one external error has beendetected. The individual segments for returning data are stored inNC301W. An EDI order is generated automatically and sends an errormessage confirmation to the original sender the next time the messagesare formatted.
Internal error (manual or automatic processing)
You should choose automatic processing if the system set the status ofthe message to "internal error, manual processing" and the detectederror was only a temporary problem (locking problem or missingCutomizing entry). If the problem is resolved, you can then triggerprocessing with the report RNC301I1. You should do this straight away,and then check whether processing has been successful. If this is notthe case, you have to set the status of the message and file to "New,received", and then upload the message again.
You should choose manual processing if you cannot correct the errorstraight away. In this case, you should inform the administratorresponsible who must then check whether an error is actually present inthe data record (the status is then changed to "external error") orwhether the information contained in the message can be evaluated inIS-H (the status can then be set to "completed").
For processing
This status indicates that the message was imported correctly but atechnical method for updating the data in a transaction (for example,for ZAHL) has not been implemented. In this case, please notify thefinancial accounting department accordingly. You can then set thestatus to "completed".
You can add any errors that you detect in the received data using theerror codes specified by the EDI update, if possible.
Please also specify the errored segment and the number of the affectedfield. If the error is on the sender side, also specify the status01 (external error).
Errors that have been corrected can be deleted.
You can display the case overview (case monitor) to view all of themessages for a particular case.
You can display the case list.
You can branch to the insurance provider transaction.
With messages relating to insurance verification or medical grounds,you can call the relevant transaction by double-clicking the message.
You can view the long text of an error message (providing that one hasbeen defined) by double-clicking the message.
With particular procedures which use a hold date for transmittingmessages, you can unlock these messages for transmission by choosingUnlock messages on hold.

498973IS-H AT: ELDA - Datei einlesen (vorgezogene Entwicklung)