Programme SAP RNASELR1 - IS-H: Edit Invoice Selection

This program lets you edit and copy existing invoice selections. Forthis purpose, the following functions are available to you:

  • Delete

  • Delete a complete invoice selection
    Delete individual invoices from an invoice selection
    • Copy

    • Copy a complete invoice selection
      Copy individual invoices from an existing invoice selection

      Important Information About Copying Invoice Selections

      • Note that the when copying, the program only checks if the target
      • selection has the same payer as the invoices to be copied. The currencyor other fields are NOT checked.
        • When copying invoices/invoice selections, you must adhere to the
        • following naming convention for the target selection:
          All invoice selections that only contain invoices whose alternativeinvoice recipient is controlled via one-time customer, must start withthe letter C. This is essential since it is used to control otheractions when collective invoices are created.
          If an invoice selection does not contain invoices whose alternativeinvoice recipient is controlled via one-time account, this selectionmust NOT start with the letter C.
          An invoice selection may only contain one-time account invoices with thesame invoice recipient. In such cases, the system determines the invoicerecipient from the identical name and address in the one-time accountdocument instead of from the payer.

          On the program selection screen, enter at least the institution and aninvoice selection indicator. Instead of the invoice selection indicator,you can enter data pertaining to the insurance provider.
          To execute this program you require the authorization S_PROGRAM and theauthorization group N_A_STRS specified in the program attributes.

          The invoice selection is output using the SAP List Viewer. The fullrange of functions of the SAP List Viewer issupplemented by the following functions:

          • Copy a complete invoice selection

          • Select the invoice selection(s) you want to copy, and then chooseInvoice Selection -> Copy.
            Enter the name of the target invoice selection in the Copy SelectionIndictor dialog box.
            If this selection indicator already exists, you can still enter a newcomment for the selection. If you do not enter a comment, the existingtext is not changed. In the contrary case, the new text is adopted.
            The invoice selection to be copied is added to the existing targetselection. If an invoice from the source selection already appears inthe target selection, it is not copied.
            If you specify a new target selection, please also enter a comment. Ifyou do not enter a comment, your user name is used as the standard text.
            • Copy individual invoices

            • If you want to copy individual invoices from existing invoice selectionsinto a new invoice selection, select all of the items to be copied, andthen choose Invoice Selection -> Copy.
              • Delete a complete invoice selection

              • If you want to delete complete invoice selections, select the requiredinvoice selections, and then choose Invoice Selection -> Delete.
                • Delete individual invoices

                • If you want to delete individual invoices from existing invoiceselections, select all of the items to be deleted, and then chooseInvoice Selection -> Delete.
                  • Save

                  • If you want to save the changes you have made in the database, chooseInvoice Selection -> Save.
                    • Messages

                    • You can display all of the messages that occurred by choosingMessages.