Programme SAP RNASELLI - IS-H: Display Case Selections

Cases which were selected for billing can be displayed with thisreport.

If you use the option "CP" or "NP" during selections, leadingzeroes (0) must be entered!
Selection Criteria
The identifier for the case selection must always be entered.
Under "Selection indicator", you must enter a unique key for thecase selection.
If the key does not yet exist, you receive an error message.
Selecting the report depends on the parameters with which youstart it.
All selection criteria can be combined.
For example, you can just select cases

  • of a specific institution

  • of a specific case type

  • of a patient

  • of patients in a specific alphabetical group

  • whose admission or discharge date is in a specific interval

  • to which a specific insurance relationship (insurance provider) is
  • assigned.
    For the selection criteria, you can enter single values orintervals.
    If you enter a case number, exactly one case is selected.
    In addition, you can determine whether the entered selectioncriteria should be excluded or included.
    The selection criteria "Insurance provider/Insurance providergroup" and self-pay patient balance are mutually exclusive.
    You can either search for insurance providers/insurance providergroups or self-pay patient balances.
    All of the cases which have a case-related insurance relationshipto the entered insurance provider or a self-pay patient insurancerelationship are then selected.
    You can choose from three log forms.
    Only the log types "cases" and "movements" are currently active.If you select the log "cases", only the selected cases are logged.
    If you choose the log type "movements", also all movements arelogged for every selected case.