Programme SAP RNAFMON1 - IS-H: Case Monitor

The case monitor lets you access a concise overview of the followingbilling-relevant case information:

  • Insurance relationship

  • Insurance verification

  • Certificates

  • Services

  • Diagnoses

  • All movements

  • Insurance providers

  • Surgeries

  • You can decide on one of two output types to display case information:
    • Multimedia Design

    • Case information is displayed in multimedia format. You can integratepictures in your output document and display additional informationusing links.
      Multimedia Design is the default setting.
      • Classic Design

      • Case information is displayed in a classic SAP list.

        Select one or more cases on the Institution selection screen:

        • Selection indicator:

        • A search window lets you search using the key and name, or the casenumber, type and status.
          • Admission period

          • Discharge period

          • Case

          • When you have made your case selection, choose Execute.

            Display case information in Multimedia Design

            • In the case header display you can integrate a picture from the
            • Business Document Service(BDS). You can choose from the following pictures:
              Picture of the patient
              Picture of your clinic
              If you do not want to integrate a picture, the name of your institutionwill be shown in the system default settings.
              • From each information block, a link takes you to the corresponding
              • maintenance transaction.
                • If you have changed data in a maintenance transaction, you can update
                • the data by choosing Case information -> Refresh.
                  • If you want to change the output type of your case monitor, from the
                  • output list choose Environment -> Settings. The setting becomeseffective when you exit and then return to the output list.
                    Display of information
                    • The status of coverage and certificates is shown by a traffic light:

                    • Insurance verification request
                      Green traffic light: Request has been printed
                      Yellow traffic light: Request has not yet been printed
                      Red traffic light: Reminder has been sent for request
                      Confirmation of coverage
                      Green traffic light: Request has been accepted
                      Red traffic light: Request has been rejected
                      Green traffic light: Certificate exists
                      Red traffic light: No certificate
                      • Both diagnosis categories and diagnoses classes are included in the
                      • diagnosis display. However, in the case of the diagnosis categorytreatment diagnosis, only non-classified treatment diagnoses areshown.
                        • In the country version Singapore, the Case data shows whether
                        • this is a claim case. A claim case occurs if the case has an activeMedisave or Medishield insurance relationship. The communication statusof the case is also shown here.
                          • In the country versions Singapore and Switzerland, an (Ind.)
                          • after the contract scheme short text indicates that this contract schemehas been individualized.

                            Technical settings

                            • Integrating pictures in the case header

                            • Adhere to the following rules for naming pictures to ensure that thepictures from BDS are assigned to the correct patient orinstitution:
                              Name for patient picture: ##.
                              Name for institution picture: ##.
                              Class name = PICTURES.
                              Class type = OT
                              Picture format = *.jpg
                              • Display of additional information in the case header

                              • The component EXIT_SAPLNCHD_006 of enhancement NCASHEAD lets you displayadditional data in the case header.
                                Note that spaces are eliminated in the display in Multimedia Design

                                Display of case information in Classic Design
                                Status information appears on a colored background. Select ColorLegend to find out what each color means.
                                With the function buttons you can call detailed information for a caseon:

                                • Services

                                • Insurance

                                • Coverage/certificate

                                • Diagnoses

                                • Invoices

                                • Surgical data

                                • To do this, place the cursor on the case for which you wish to viewdetailed information.


                                  • You must make a valid case selection.

                                  • If you select the case according to admission or discharge date, you can
                                  • only select inpatient cases.
                                    • The following requirements must be satisfied to access case information
                                    • in Multimedia Design form:
                                      Select a single case
                                      Execute the case monitor online
                                      Select the Multimedia Design setting
                                      If one of these requirements has not been satisfied, the caseinformation will be displayed in Classic Design.